Iranian ports; A golden opportunity for foreign investment

Golden Opportunity

Ports and maritime experts believe that Iran’s ports have a good capacity to attract foreign and domestic investment and currently only half of their capacity is used.

In the northern and southern ports of Iran, more than 200 million tons of unloading and loading capacity have been created, but only half of this capacity has been used in the past years.

In these ports, there was and is an empty capacity for loading and unloading, which has not been used well, but the new plan is to use transport corridors, especially the North-South corridor. For this purpose, we need new capacity building.

In the meantime, due to the weakening of Russia’s relationship with the European Union due to the war with Ukraine, the capacity of ports in the north and south of Iran have increased a lot. To better use this capacity, we should think about investing more. The key point is that all northern and southern ports have the capacity to accept new investment.

Among Iran’s ports, Chabahar port is the focus of neighboring countries including India, Afghanistan and Central Asia, and Indians have invested well in this port. In Shahid Rajaei port, we have several foreign investment projects amounting to 6 billion dollars.

During the recent years, over 60 thousand billion rials, the non-governmental sector concluded 126 investment contracts in the ports of the country. Also, the non-governmental sector was supported for the construction or purchase of commercial, service, passenger and tourism vessels, equipment supply and investment plans.

The conclusion of equipment, operation, partnership and foreign finance contracts related to the development of Chabahar port with Indian parties has been worth 235 million dollars. Contracts have also been concluded for the purchase of RTGs, gantry cranes, tugboats, maritime search and rescue vessels (SAR), guide boats, unloaders, grain suckers from ships, dredges, and maritime search and rescue helicopters.

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